Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dwight Versus Jim

Dwight and Jim have some differences.

Just little ones though...

It's not Jim's fault that he like to pull pranks on Dwight!

It's nature.


Eating Beets for breakfast...



Jim and Dwight have been going at it since the beginning of the show.

They both come off as though they don't like each other.

But I think deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep down they are the closest friends ever.

This is when Jim put all of Dwight's desk necessities inside of the vending machine.

Dwight's complaints toward Jim that were sent to HR (Toby) that were sent in a box...

In a dusty drawer...

Jim usually put Dwight's stuff inside jello.

Just an old joke:D

He once used it on Andy Bernard...

He kicked a trash can that time...

Just Dwight and Jim looking into each other's wondrous eyes.

Just about to say 'I love you not'!

Jim and Dwight as eachother!

The best episode:DDDD

Watch the Video at your own risk!!!

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