Andy Bernard is a man.
A man of sensitivity.
A man who is just a man.
A man who can't get the kit-kat song right!
When Andy first came into the Scranton Branch at Dunder Mifflin Paper company it was because his branch was cut off.
That was when his name was Andy.
After a while Andy got P.O.ed and socked a wall.
Which made a hole...
In the wall...
We soon later found out that he had anger management.
He went to his classes...
Next season Drew Bernard tries shows up!
Doesn't pass...
So still Andy!
This lovable pal!
He has been engaged!
To someone in the office!
Has been cheated on.
From someone in the office!
Has become best friends.
With the man who cheated with his fiance.
The man just can't get any nicer!
Andy (Drew) Andrew Bernard.
Suprised he hasn't socked another wall.
I guess I should finally start giving this show a chance.