Saturday, May 30, 2009
Mr. Vega
Maybe it's my computer that wouldn't let me view my double space...
But thank you anyway!
(Does this blog count as another blog??)
Peectures!! (Pictures)
It's time for a celebration!
For What?
I do not know!
But it's a celebration!

The whole Office cast...
I think.

Friday, May 29, 2009
I was wondering what they were talking about when she was all shocked at the Hospital.
But now I realized it when Jim said.
"Send in the subs"
Because they were playing volleyball and Pam was being checked for a sprained anckle.
I am sooooo happy that she is prego!
Like I said before!
They are the cutest couple!!
Now I need a picture of Pamela Pregnant!
So! this is my last blog!
I might blog later!
I didn't realize how fun this assignment actually was!
Well I'm happy I actually enjoyed it and put my addiction into it.
It's like my own special type of heroin.
Well you have a good life!
Look out for me!
Love you!
That coat is black not!
That coat it black pause not!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Season Finale!

The season finale of The office was phenomenal!!
I know it's a little late to be talking about this!
But it's better late then never.
I was completely excited when Michael Scott and Holly Flax were hanging out with each other!
They are the cutest couple!
They are like the kind of couple that wants to be together but they can't.
Or that's how it seems...
In the season finale Michael was going to explain to Holly why they should be together.
He wrote a list of bulletins.
Number one. Holly, you and I are soup stinks.
Well that doesn't make sense...
We're soul mates.
Holly and I are soulmates.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Dwight Versus Jim
Just little ones though...
It's not Jim's fault that he like to pull pranks on Dwight!
It's nature.
Eating Beets for breakfast...
Jim and Dwight have been going at it since the beginning of the show.
They both come off as though they don't like each other.
But I think deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep down they are the closest friends ever.

This is when Jim put all of Dwight's desk necessities inside of the vending machine.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Did I Stutter?

Stanley the Manly!!
Stanley spends most of his important time working on the thoroughly equip crossword puzzles.
Stanley loves the Annual Pretzel Day!
"I wake up every morning in a bed that’s too small, drive my daughter to a school that’s too expensive, and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little, but on pretzel day? (smiling widely) Well, I like pretzel day..."
Stanley the Manly has sadly had a heart attack.
During one of Dwight's stress relief drills.
Dang nabbit Dwight...
He almost got fired...
Stanley was later informed that he might die if he gets stressed out too much.
We soon later find out that Michael Scott might be the source of the stress.
During an episode "Stress Relief" Michael tries to 'calm down' the office in a pseudo-medidation session.
Every few steps that Michael takes toward Stanley, Stanley's stress watch goes off crazy.
We think that it might just be Stanley.
So Stanley gives Oscar his stress watch...
Yet again when Michael walks toward Oscar the watch goes off...
Everyone looks at Michael...
I forgot what happens next...
"364 days...until the next pretzel day."
Watch The Video!!
Toby Flenderson

Is the most boring man I know...
Yet he has a likability about him.
He get everyone at the office P. O. ed...
You can only talk about Toby for so long!
Toby Flenderson...
I'm boring myself just writing this blog about him...
Toby is in H. R.
Human Resources!
So just to make Toby more hated by people he makes people hate him even more.
Toby was once accused of carrying weed...
Which was later to be found out to be salad.
Michael Scott payed 200 dollars for a salad.
Toby poor Toby.
I don't know what else to say abot you boring old man.
Toby went to Costa Rica!
About3 days later he broke his neck after the string broke on the parasailing thing...
Yet again!
Ok Toby Flenderson.
It's time to say our goodbyes...
I love you!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Andy (Drew) (Andrew) Bernard

Andy Bernard is a man.
A man of sensitivity.
A man who is just a man.
A man who can't get the kit-kat song right!
When Andy first came into the Scranton Branch at Dunder Mifflin Paper company it was because his branch was cut off.
That was when his name was Andy.
After a while Andy got P.O.ed and socked a wall.
Which made a hole...
In the wall...
We soon later found out that he had anger management.
He went to his classes...
Next season Drew Bernard tries shows up!
Doesn't pass...
So still Andy!
This lovable pal!
He has been engaged!
To someone in the office!
Has been cheated on.
From someone in the office!
Has become best friends.
With the man who cheated with his fiance.
The man just can't get any nicer!
Andy (Drew) Andrew Bernard.
Suprised he hasn't socked another wall.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Office! Again! :D

It's early in the morning and you know what I feel like talking about?
The Office!!
I'm staring at a picture of my man!
My love;)
But for some reason I feel like talking about Meredith!
She is the completely lovable alcoholic!
She wears her dresses just short (or long) enough to cover up!!
The woman I look up to has caught her hair on fire...
While drunk...
While at work...
Note to self: Keep alcoholic beverages away from Meredith...
Even Dayquil...
Meredith is a very good dancer!
Especially when dancing at cafe disco!
Her son might be a little brat, but you have to learn to love to deal with to love the people you like to love their own!
(Read over five times)
The woman who also works at Dunder Mufflin Paper...
Merideth Palmer.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Michael Scott Paper Company
I have now come to the turn in the show "The Offfice".
The man who worked in the best branch in Dunder Mifflin Paper Company.
The man who got treated like he was nothing.
The man who worked at Dunder Mifflin for 15 years.
The man who actually got somewhere.
Michael Scott finally left the paper company.
In results of making his own Paper company.
Michael Scott Paper Comapny.
He got the hottie Pam to work with him.
He also got his deep down crush.
Ryan Howard.
A man.
I know...
These fabulous people were known to him as his...
After less than a month of the Michael Scott Paper Company, Michael, Pam, and Ryan soon realized they were broke... Their prices were unbelievably low... So Dunder Mifflin bought Michael Scott Paper in thoughts of thinking Michael Scott Paper was rich... When they actually weren't... Sad... I know.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
My Main Squeeze

I know it's sort of corny...
But I do.
The man I love has some serious skills.
He could stun you with his Purple belt in Karate!
His rifling skills.
And his variety with weapons!
Pepper Spray my man!
He has the best curly chest hairs that has his fans raiving!
Although his tummy is slightly large it is still that perfect size to say "I wish I
had a watermelon."
I am in love with the man of my dreams...
Even though I have not had a dream of him...
He is the best paper salesman in all of Dunder Mifflin Paper Company!
Good Worker.
Hard Worker.
Dwight K. Shrute.
I have an obsession with you.
Monday, May 18, 2009
New Here.

You have entered the world's biggest Office Fanatic blog!
If you have not heard of the show 'The Office' you are missing out on the biggest thing on earth (twss).
One of the main things in that keeps The Office's flair is the affection between PB&J Pam Beasley and Jim.
Worlds cutest couple!
They have always had crushes on each other even when Pam had a Fiance for 3 years.
i Personally think that her Fiance was a jerk.
Jim and Pam keep the audience raving for more - especially me!
Did i mention i like beets?
Pamela Beasley is my idol.
She works as a receptionist at the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company.
She is a sophisticated worker.
She is the best at answering phones, and transferring calls.
Jim Halpert is a very cute a-dult.
Except for the fact that he has a slightly large nose... But thats ok:)
Jim works in sales.
They work 12 feet away from each other)
Now that's what i call true love! <3